
2013年7月7日 星期日

A Letter To Response You – 永恆的實相

Dear One

This is a personal letter to response your responses!


It is my sincere wish that I will not write again!

It is my sincere hope that you will not need to read any of my articles!


I truly wish you realize what I meant and would not get it wrong,

As they carried a profound love and meaning within!


For such a long term, I have been writing diligently to share with you my insights and awareness; to tell stories in great Truth.

In a way, it worked perfectly and looked quite sharing and purposeful; and most of the times, we took it for granted as it served people.

However, it is time for us to look deep into Shenba Temple, it is not the way we thought it was.

The Grand truth is :

The more I write, the more you will be addicted to it!

The more I write, the more it will weaken and take away your strength to ponder into yourself.

The more I write, I am just taking away your own power and will in some way also be slightly manipulating your way of thinking, even I spoke all the Truth.


Of course I enjoyed sharing and kept no secret of the Truth, do not get me wrong, and I also loved to interact with you, but it is time for you to think very carefully and not to lose your inherent power of domain.

You must always have your [own] thinking! 

You must strive hard to maintain your own consciousness; to get more aware of the contents of what you are thinking!

You must always look into to your mind/heart; not to look outside!

Your inner wisdoms already have all the answers; the teachings you have ever wanted and needed.

There is no master outside your heart that can teach you!

There is no master outside your body that can show you the way!

Everything you need you ask for your heart!

You are your own way!




這是封私人信件  回應你們對[新里程碑]的留言!


我誠摯的希望  我不需要再寫任何東西

我亦由衷盼望  你們不再需要我的任何文章


我希望你們能理解這其中  隱含有我最深的愛及寓意


一段時間以來  我致力於分享我的洞見及體悟  並說出許多真理的故事

在某一方面看來  殿堂運作的很好  看來很分享  很有高超的目的性

  絕大部份的時間裡頭  慎巴殿堂  已形成一種很自然的狀態  被認為理所當然是一個服務群眾  一個有真理可追尋/可穫得  可遵循的地方

如今  在這個[新里程碑]之時


慎巴殿堂並不是以大家所想 [可以得到真理]  [可以找到真理] 那樣的功能性而存在

頂多 慎巴殿堂只是一種催化劑的功能  連加速器都談不上


一個超越所有實相的實相  在於:

[我寫越多  你讀越多  你會越上癮!]

[我寫越多  便會越弱化及削減掉你們進入自己內心的機會!]

[我寫越多  即便都是真理實相  也會潛在性及毫無痕跡的拿走你們本身的明觀力  以及操控著你們個人原有的思考方向]


無可諱言 我本身是極熱切於分享我的一切內在覺知  毫無保留的攤開出來

與大家的互動也帶給我不同的視野及快樂  會引發出我更大的思惟

但是  今天  我必須邀請大家重新來看待另一層意義; 這種會弱化及怠化你們與生俱來的本性慧  如果大家疏於覺察的話

一切必須回歸到自己本我的能力; 自己開發自性慧的能力  才是正途!

你必須盡力保有自己個人的內在覺知  而能隨時審視/覺察自己的起心動念

你的內在智慧本自俱足圓滿  一切你生活上  一切你生命裡的煩惱與問題之答案  早已存在你內心中供你汲取

沒有任何一位在你內心之外的人  可以教導  可以解決你的疑惑及問題!

也沒有任何一位外在的大師   是你可以依靠/依賴  或需要的!

無論何時何地  只要你有問題  就去請教你的內心反觀並內觀所發生的一切之源頭

所有你所需  唯一所需  唯一能靠的只有你的內心  你自己的明觀覺察  找出自己的答案!

永遠向內而非向外  永遠自求而非外求



此乃  所有實相裡的最大實相!


