
2010年12月22日 星期三

另一層次的真愛 – Another Plane of True Love

You asked… the「Unconditional Love」again?
你問… 又是談全然的愛嗎?

Yes, my dear!
是的! 我愛!

In another plane


When Father’s Love gave birth to 「All that Is」

His Love was divided into unlimited planes; as the planes we called「All that Is」
真愛被分割出許多層次; 也就是不同層次的萬有

Each 「All that Is」 contains the same unlimited planes as the whole Universe does
宇宙被分割成有多少層次… 在每一個萬有身中亦同樣有那麼多的…層次

So there are also this much planes in a matter
每一事 物也是同樣俱有這麼多重層次

Rendering different consciousness for the sparks to explore

As different consciousness represents different plane of existence

We don’t need to count exactly how many planes are there…basically we know there are roughly at least 18 planes in the Heaven and 18 in the Hell for us to exist
我們不必知道確實到底有多少層次… 但 我們知道起碼至少大約有上18層天界及下18層地獄之層次供我們來挑選

To define ourselves depending on our perception
據 認知/覺知 的角度層次來認知自己

The way you perceive a matter defines who you are and in which plane you exist

Be in Heaven or in Hell…; Be a God himself! Be a human being! Or be a ___ …!
在天堂或在地獄… ; 認知自己是神! 或是人! 或是___…!


Now… I will shift the previous article about the「Unconditional Love」into another plane…
現在… 我要將之前論及裸露的愛的語句/角度 藉由不同認知來變移到另一層次

We will gain more insight about the「Unconditional Love」in this plane… going deeper into Father’s Core
在這個層次中 所有的認知將再次提升… 更深入天父之核心

I just changed a few words that makes the whole perception shifted
而我所做的… 只不過是改幾個字而已… 覺知就完全改變的提升了喔…

Please experience this Plane of True Love…


The family is Love! The friendship is Love! The brotherhood is Love!
親情(人)是愛! 友情(人)是愛! 手足情(兄弟)是愛!

The lover is Love! The Nature is Love! The whole Universe is Love!
愛人(情)是愛! 大自然是愛! 全宇宙是愛!

Yes, there are… and more…
這些都是… 還有…

There are more? Yes, there are
還有嗎!?... 是的!

Love is fear; Love is hatred; Love is lost; Love is pain
還有 恐懼是愛; 怨恨是愛; 失去是愛; 痛苦是愛

Wait a minute… I do not believe!? Yes, there are more…
等等 我不信!? 是的! 還有…

Love is the enemy; Love is the opponent; Love is the disaster; Love is the destroy of hometown
以及 仇人是愛; 敵人是愛; 災難是愛; 家園毀壞是愛

No…no…no… I do not believe!!! Yes, they are…!
不! 不! 不! 我無法相信!? 是的! 就是這樣…!


Didn’t I tell you that the 「All」 is made out of Love?
我就跟你說了嘛! 「一切」都是由愛所建構的嘛!

For everything comes out from the「All」is the dew of love; that 「Un-condition」means the「All」; means 「One」
由「一」出來的都是愛的結晶! 「無條件/全然」即是「空性」即是「一」!

The birth of a child is Love; The death is Love; A rich man is Love; A poor man is Love…
出生是愛; 死亡是愛; 有錢人是愛; 窮人是愛

To love a person is to give him all I have; A person I hate I give him all I have as well
愛一個人就要給他我所有的; 恨一個人也是給他我所有的


Dear my love… please hear me out…
親愛的 請聽我說…

That Love and Fear/Hatred is same thing; for they are one being but in different aspect
愛與恨/恐懼是一體… 以對立之不同面貌顯現

There is nothing but Love

You can only Love…

You are True Love yourself!


