
2010年12月18日 星期六

暗藏的珍珠 – The Hidden Pearl


Then My beloved child comes to me
那天 我摯愛的孩子來到我跟前

Saying that he wants to experience if there is a world different from here?
說想要去看看不同於我們家的地方; 是否有別於我們家的地方?

When you summit this request

I am astonishing to this supreme consciousness

I kindly advise you this is a bold and unprecedented thought; to a child that never leaves home!
我提醒著你 這是一個冒險的創新嚐試喔! 對於一個從沒離開過家的你!

That you might be lost in the wild desert; falling into the crackle of a cliff
可能會迷失在荒野中; 跌落山谷夾縫中;

That the Way might be wiped out if you slip into the river; or being covered by the volcano ashes
失足河流; 被火山岩灰掩埋 的把道路遺失了

But you are so fearless; or I shall say the optimistic confidence and passion has thrown the risk far beyond
你是那麼無畏; 或者應說是那種積極自信好奇之心大過危險的考量

Your little fist raises high to ensure a safe journey home
拍著胸脯向我保證沒問題 認得回家的路

I love you so unconditionally that I could never ever say No! to you
我是那麼全然的疼愛著你以致於無法向你說任何的: 不!

I meet all your wishes and requests with my blessing

What will be more content than to let him make the best knowing of himself?

I divide him into endless sparks by Time and Space

As his brothers and sisters
成了他們; 她們; 牠們; 它們…的手足

Let them have fun!


I did not tell them due to maintain their pride and pleasure
不過 我並沒有告訴他們 (當然啦 我必須顧及他們的樂趣及自尊)

That I had installed an auto self-GPS

Hidden in a pearl button on their bosom

The pearl will be activated when they recognize each other as One with 「A-」
珍珠按鈕將自動啟動於他們能依約 以「A-」的找到彼此的合而為一

That will be the glory day home


