
2010年12月20日 星期一

揭去面紗裸露愛 – Lifting The Masks; Revealing Love

( 裸露的愛 )

The Unconditional Love is very different from your thoughts

I know exactly what you are thinking

Thinking is it love for my family? For the friendship? For the brotherhood?
是親情的愛? 是友情的愛? 是手足的愛?

Is it love for the lovers? For the Nature? For the whole Universes?
是愛情的愛? 對大自然的愛? 對全宇宙的愛?

Yes, there are… and more…
這些都是… 還有…

There are more? Yes, there are
還有嗎!?... 是的!

There are love for fear; for hatred; for lost; for death
還有 對恐懼的愛; 對怨恨的愛; 對失去的愛; 對死亡的愛

Wait a minute… I do not believe!? Yes, there are more…
等等 我不信!? 是的! 還有…

There are love for the enemy; love for the opponent; love for the disaster; love for the destroy of hometown
以及 對仇人的愛; 對敵人的愛; 對災難的愛; 對家園毀壞的愛

No…no…no… I do not believe!!! Yes, There are more… and more…
不! 不! 不! 我無法相信!? 是的! 還有… 還有…


Didn’t I tell you that All is made out of Love?
我就跟你說了嘛! 「一切」都是由愛所建構的嘛!

For everything comes out from「All」is the dew of love; that 「Un-condition」means 「All」; means 「One」
由「一」出來的都是愛的結晶! 「全然」即是「一切」!

But in just a blink of eyes… you are thinking happy is love; pain is not love
可是才一眨眼 你想的是快樂才是愛; 痛苦不是愛

The birth of a child is love; death is not love; a rich man can offer love; no money no love…
出生才是愛; 死亡不是愛; 有錢才能愛; 沒錢什麼都不必談

To love a person is to give him all I have; vice versa; to a person I hate surely I will deprive all his property
愛一個人就要給他我有的; 恨一個人就要奪他所有的


Dear my love… please hear me out…
親愛的 請聽我說…

That Love and Fear/Hatred is same thing; for they are one being but in different aspect
愛與恨/恐懼是一體… 以對立之不同面貌顯現

The Fear/Hatred is Love being shadowed with a veil

For the purpose to let the sparks to lift the veil to discover the true face of each other

When the veil is removed; the true essence of Love reveals its light
當揭去面紗後 「愛」就祼露出珍珠光芒

In it… they identify all in one Love

All the veils serve one purpose and one purpose only; to accelerate the knowing of Oneself; to enrich the medals of all
所有的面紗都是為了豐富神子的經歷; 豐富彼此的勳章

Every shadow is a gift of wonderful surprise
每一個面紗都是一個驚奇的機會; 一個神聖的禮物

Packaged with amazing astonishment that there is nothing other than Love…
在禮物之中驚奇著 除了「愛」之外別無它物…


