
2011年9月6日 星期二

你的發願(七) - 破相取用本來 Retrieve Your Inner Wisdoms


(破開事物表相 – 窗內還有門)



「空行者」的文章 正是一個如是的例子


這是最外層 最表相的意思

指的是一種固定 不變動的單一形容及認知


空行者詳細解說著 每一字

每一段 的如是喻意

這樣的滑入內裡 看清字詞的如是喻意

即是破開事物表相 深入內層的取用實相本來


The process of gaining the ability of breaking up the exterior forms to get the gold nugget

Is very tough and never easy

It requires a long-time training for the right insight and perception of the Truth

There is an example showing how to break up the exterior form for the deeper insight

Posted in the previous 「The Sky Walker」 series

The first and second articles were merely the outlines of the Sky Walker

Which were the exterior part; we called:「a fixed and solid understanding」

From the third article straight . . .

The Sky Walker had explained word by word the deeper meanings under the outlines;

The metaphors used and the way how you could convert your beliefs and perceptions to gain a grander picture of the outlines

This is the way how you could retrieve your inner wisdoms . . .


