
2011年8月22日 星期一

The Sky Walker (VI) – My Promised Land


For such a single slide

Sustains the world I am in

I would like to call it :「My Promised Land」

The Promised Land looks squeezing and small

Yet it is magical to provide all the abundance I need and needed

A whole universe if you will see

The Promised Land is Now and Here

Now Here

Is Nowhere

It is always Then; Now and Future in One

It is always Here and There in One


Beyond this Promised Land is a mist of Void

All the passing good and bad; sad and happiness were gone like a wind

To the unknown future I leave it in blank without any intention and contemplation


My life is moving on by continuing pieces of Land

There always has a Now Land flowing to me until my due moment

Then I will return back to the mist of Void

Back to where I am and what I am . . .

. . .
Nowhere . . . Nowhere . . . Nowhere


