
2011年8月28日 星期日

The Sky Walker (VIIII) – The Magic Kingdom


I live in one time

That is 「Now」

I live in one place

That is 「Here」


In my Kingdom

There is no past and future

There is no discrimination of far and near

No one can possess a clear image of me

As I am merely a vague outline of dots

I live not a fixed place

Yet in 「Oneness」 land

My kingdom is the Paradise

With forever blooming flowers

Singing birds and pervading sandal smell

In it there are illness and health dancing

Sadness and happiness walking together

Pain and joy humming

Vexation and Nirvana are twin

Each being or substance finds his own way to express himself and helping each other in harmony

This is the place I called : 「The Magic Kingdom」


Holly Sky Walker!

Divinely Sky Walker!

We will follow your guidance to live in 「Oneness」

As within, so without; as above, so below

We are all The Sky Walker


